Wednesday 27 November 2013

Finding Nemo

“Wow!” exclaimed Dory. “Are we going in there?” “Yup” said Marlin. “Just swim straight” So off they went through the humongous Sea Cloud. “Should we play a game?” Dory asked. “Uuuuummmmm Ok” Marlin answered. “Well done!” replied Dory. “I’m thinking of something small and it’s orange and it has stripes...” Dory exclaimed. “It’s me” Marlin exclaimed, and for the next one just a guess, it’s me.” Then all of a sudden Marlin stopped and said “I’ve seen this floating spec before, so that means we haven’t been swimming straight, we’ve been swimming around in circles! Aaaaaarrrrr!” Marlin screamed. “I need some fresh air, i’m going up for some fresh air!” he said. Then Dory quickly grabbed Marlin and said “hey breath, just breath and calm down. It will be completely fine we’ll just find somebody around here to help us.” “Oh brilliant idea who are we going to ask the spec.”  

“Uumm, hey you over there, this guys son Bingo, I mean Nemo has got taken away to Sydney. So could you please help us out with directions? Awwww come on little fella.” “Uumm Dory I don’t think he’s a little fella, I’m a little fella.” Marlin whispered. “Oh big fella, ok Whale.” said Dory. Then Dory started speaking Whale. It seemed like the Whale didn’t like Dory speaking Whale, so it swam off somewhere else. “Why don’t you look at that” said Marlin “It must be hungry so it’s swam off to find some food. And if you don’t mind me saying that it might come back and eat ME or eat US!” “Don’t worry silly, whales only eat Krill not Clown Fish” Dory sighed. Then all of a sudden Krill swam past, yelling “SWIM AWAY!, SWIM AWAY!”

Dory and Marlin didn’t know what the Krill were talking about. Marlin turned around “Aaargh, swim for your lives!” he screamed. “Marlin what are you talking about?” said Dory. Dory turned around. “Aargh, why didn’t you tell me earlier!” yelled Dory. “Eeeeeewwwww, this is a disgusting place” said Marlin. “Now I know what the Krill were talking about” “You do realize that there is a big hole at the top of the whale” said Dory. “But how are we going to get up there and get out” replied Marlin. “Wait a minute, I think I have an idea. Maybe we could wait for the whale to open it’s mouth and then swim out” said Marlin. “No thats a very bad idea...” replied Dory. “Just wait” said Marlin “I haven’t finished yet. The other option was that we could always wait for the whale to blow water out of it’s blowhole and then we would be out of this disgusting whale.” “Which option do you like the best Dory, the first one or the second one.” asked Marlin. “Well for your information  don’t like any of them” said Dory. “Well that wasn’t a choice” Marlin explained. “Well to me it was a choice” Dory angrily said. “We just need to find a way out, because i still have to find my son and this right now is not working so I presume that we should start figuring out a way on how to get out of this disgusting place!” shouted Marlin. “It’s all your fault why we’re in here, so get thinking now!” So Dory said to Marlin “fine then I will get a torch out.”

Dory pulled out a torch from the inside of her fin but it wasn’t there, so then she said “Ooops, it must be on the other fin.” So she looked inside her other fin. “Yep, here it is” she said. She turned it on and then all of a sudden “aaargh, what is that ugly thing hanging down from above your head!” Dory yelled. “What?!” replied Marlin. “Oh that it’s just the tonsils from the whale. You do realize you know that we are in the throat” he said. “Well no actually because I’m not a whale expert. I’m only an expert on talking” Dory explained. “Yeah, I think I could’ve guessed that myself” Marlin whispered in a cheeky voice. “Oh, I’ve got an idea we could wait for the whale to open it’s mouth and then we can swim out and then be on our journey again!” said Dory. “Oh what a great idea, I wouldn’t of thought about anything more better than that but there’s only one thing.” “Ok, what’s that?” “I mean that you have listening problems and that you don’t listen because that’s the exact same option I said to you before...But NO you didn’t decide to listen to what I said!” Marlin shouted in Dory’s face. “Well, I’m really sorry Marlin but if you had of been taking more care for Bingo then we wouldn’t have been in this ugly whale!” “Don’t talk about my son NEMO like that and we’ve been in this whale for a day now and you still don’t know my sons name he’s called NEMO not BINGO!” The fighting carried on and on and on. But then finally it was all peaceful and quiet for a little while but then they became friends again. “Wait a minute I think I hear a noise and it’s the mouth opening. Maybe it just wanted us to stop fighting.” Marlin said. “YEAH, WE HAVE SAVED THE DAY!” They shouted together. Let’s be on our journey again. “Just keep swimming! Just keep swimming!” “Dory!” “What?” “You know what!” “Naahh, I was just joking I just wanted you to get mad. Then Krill swim past “SWIM AWAY, SWIM AWAY!”  “Hey look Krill!” said Dory. “Oh No, the journey starts here again!” Marlin yelled ...

The End!

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