Monday, 8 April 2013

Bubble writing

"Slam!", the door went as I bursted out of the house, Today im going to do my favourite thing blowing bubbles!. "Blow! Blow! Pop! Pop!", They go as I blew and popped them one by one, Just one more blow I decided. "Blow!', Giving as much air as I can give then a large bubble that was the size of me!
"What else could I do!", I ran and leaped as I tried to pop it then I found myself inside the bubble! I was so scared!
" Help! Help! somebody please help me!", But it was too late I was floating up and up and up!. I wasn't really worried now at this time because sooner or later this bubble will pop and then people will find me and bring me back to my home, When suddenly I saw a power line which I was heading to straight ahead! I was in panic and I tried to push it back and push it down but nothing worked! " Oh no! what else could I do?", Then I realised something "Well I still have my stick and my bubble soap maybe I could pop this bubble and blow another one!", I thought this was a great idea so I successfully popped the bubble "Pop Blow! Pop! Blow!", As I became closer and closer to land.
" Just one more blow!", As I gave the most biggest blow I've ever done in my life!.
" Yay!", I exclaimed in happiness as I landed safely in the fresh cut grass in my garden.
" I am really happy that I was back home and not up there in the sky with loads of dangerous things that could hurt me". When suddenly I smelt the yummy pancakes that my mom made for me!. Yum!.

1 comment:

  1. well done it's got lots of great puncuation in it


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