Darkpaw gave Blazepaw a shove. Blazepaw gave one back back andd was spotted by featherheart "BLAZEPAW? Blazepaw what are you doingyou little rascal you. Now what about coming along all of you and don't even try to slink away like that Dark paw I don't need to seen you to know what your going to do."OH!" moaned Darkpaw and grumply turned to follow featherheart "Jaypaw bring that mouse over here. Don't think you can eat it without sharing it with the others ok? Wait where is Jaypaw everyone help me find him ok? JAYPAW?! JAYPAW! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Just then they herd a cry "MONSTERS ARE COMING TO ATTACK THE CAMP!" It's Jaypaw thought Featherheart amazed at the thought of a apprentice going out of the camp on his first day without his mentor "MONSTERS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Yowled humstar "Yes M-O-N-S-T-E-R-S MONSTERS THE END???????? TO BE CONTINUED.....
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